Our Los Angeles Immigration Lawyer working for your family

US Citizens and Permanent Residents in the United States have the right to petition for a foreign national spouse to be classified as a Permanent Resident in the United States. To apply, the US Citizen or Permanent Resident Spouse must petition from inside the United States through US Citizenship and Immigration Services. The petition process is complex, and the petitioning spouse must submit all relevant forms, fees, documentation, and must also demonstrate that both he/she and his/her foreign national spouse meet all requisite criteria through extensive documentation. Without the assistance of a professional Los Angeles immigration attorney or Glendale immigration attorney, this may prove to be incredibly difficult and frustrating to accomplish, as even attorneys sometimes struggle with the complexity of the immigration legislation.

Our clients, however, almost never worry about their petitions, because they are calm and assured with the knowledge that our immigration attorneys are professional, experienced, and work primarily for the success and happiness of our clients. The world is a frightening place with unexpected turns and hardships, but our firm is a veritable oasis of comfort and refreshment in a desert of endless paperwork and red tape. Contact our office and schedule a free case review with one of our Los Angeles Immigration Lawyers or Glendale immigration attorneys to discuss your future success.

In order for the petition process to be complete, the petitioner must submit the form which embodies the petition along with the documentation specified on the form that is required. Additionally, two forms which detail the requisite information for both the petitioner and foreign national spouse must also be submitted to USCIS. If any of these forms are incorrectly filled out, filed, or information is incorrect or missing or given in the incorrect format, the petition is likely to be denied and the fees paid not refunded. We highly recommend speaking with a Los Angeles immigration attorney or Glendale immigration attorney from our firm before submitting a petition that, frankly, likely contains at least one error that could jeopardize your petition’s chances of approval. Additionally, a petitioner must also submit:

A copy of the petitioner and his/her spouse’s civil marriage certificate

A copy of any divorce or annulment decrees or death certificates, or any other legal documentation which evidences the legal cessation of any previous marriages of either spouse

Passport-style photos of both spouses which comply with the requisite criteria for these photographs

Evidence of any lawful name changes of either spouse. The causes of these name changes could include but are not limited to: divorce, marriage, adoption, court-mandated name-change

A petitioner must also be able to demonstrate his/her status as a US Citizen or Permanent

Resident. A US Citizen may provide a copy of any of the following of his/her:

  • Valid US birth certificate
  • Valid US passport
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad
  • Naturalization Certificate
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • A Permanent Resident may provide a copy of his/her:
  • Green card (front/back); or
  • Foreign passport which has a stamp which evidences permanent resident status

Clearly, the responsibility for the petition’s success lies heavily on the petitioner. Our firm’s immigration attorneys take pleasure in lifting that burden of responsibility from our clients’ shoulders so the process isn’t a stressful or anxious one, but one where our client is excited and relieved that their successful future is steadily and surely approaching. Contact our office and speak with your personal attorney today.

Spouses of the petitioner may come to the United States to live while the visa petition is pending if he/she is abroad under current legislation. Spouses of US Citizens may enter under the K-3 nonimmigrant visa classification and live and work until his/her spouse visa is approved. Spouses of Permanent Residents may be eligible for the same under the V visa classification, which is slightly different in the execution of its petition. Speak with a Los Angeles immigration attorney or Glendale immigration attorney from our office to learn more.

In the event that the petitioner and his/her foreign national spouse have been married for less than two years when the spouse is granted permanent residency, that status will have been granted on a conditional basis. To remove these conditions, both spouses must apply within the 90 day conditional residence period. Should this not occur, the foreign national spouse will be subject to ejection from the United States. Contact our office and speak with a Los Angeles immigration attorney or Glendale immigration lawyer as soon as possible.

Your future happiness doesn’t have to remain a far-off dream. Let us work for you, let us make your dreams a reality, and let yourself be as happy as you can be.

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